I can also see my LACK of crafty posts - gasp!!
hmmmmm, I'm tired of my blog look....trying to figure out fun and exciting posts to blog about.....all these ideas ~ floating around in my mind ~ oh I have big dreams.....except.....
Have you ever heard the phrase 'keeping up with the Joneses?' Yeah well, I should be wearing that pin on my coat lol.
It turns out I got caught up with wanting to keep up with all these amazing bloggers....seriously, I know full well that my life does not have room for the time required to have a blog of that 'status'....and yet here I am stressing about a blog.
With everything that is currently going on in the world, it is time for me to take a look in the mirror and reflect on what is truly important. It's OK if I don't post everyday. It's OK if I don't have sponsors, it's OK if I don't get hundreds of comments on my posts. It's also OK for me to spend my free time with my family......(and not shutting myself in my craft room fiendishly working away on projects to post).....
It's time for a change ~ I need my blog to fit my personality and not try to impress everyone.....this ol' blog of mine was originally just a place to post pics of what i made....so I could look back and see how I progressed.
And now I'm feeling a little lost ~ where to begin?
One thing I do know - I love creating, using just about any medium I can get my hands on.....so I think you will see more interesting projects - not all cricut related, but inspiring nonetheless. I will still post tutorials on the projects I make with my Gypsy - I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others...however this blog will not be dedicated to just that (so if you are looking for Gypsy files you will have to go through my posts and get the files there).
Time to get back to basics and creating projects that make my heart happy :)
To those of you who always take the time to pop in from time to time (and leave me supporting and kinds words) - thank you and it would be great if you stick around this year to see what I've got rolling around in my head. (but I'm not going to stress about that lol!) :) :)

My dear...it's ok. You are a very talented woman and we all love you. I have you on my favs and will become a follower just cause I do not want to miss any of your creations. thanks for all you do. I have nothing to sponsor you with but I give you my sincere thanks for sharing your work.
Bravo for being true to yourself. That is what is MOST important. Nevertheless, I can't wait to see what else you make with ANYTHING. We're always here for you, tomorrow, next week, or next month (or later).
Beeing creative is about having fun, and expressing yourself, and same goes for a blog! Dont make stuff just to impress others, make it cos you enjoy doing it. And you are one of those talented ladies that impresses, no matter what you do :)
Good for you! It is important to decide what is most important to you. I feel the same way you do - my family needs to come before my blog so I don't always get to post as often as I want. Keep doing what you are doing and we will keep check out your blog for when you do have time to post.
Don't sweat the small stuff! It's definitely tough trying to juggle it all and keep everyone happy. Yes, we must always put ourselves and family first and sometimes we can get a little side tracked. But I want you to know that we love you and support you and will be here for you anytime. As much as we appreciate your creativity we will patiently wait to enjoy it whenever you have time to share it. Just remember we are only a click away if you need to chat ... Hugs to you from me!! =)
Magoo, what you "said" is why my blog is "what it is". I could never compete, nor would even want to try to, w/any of the great bloggers/creators out there (& I put you in that category, too!)
Just remember one thing:- You have oodles of followers who will always follow you, no matter what you put on your blog!!
You're a "sweetie" and that's why they keep coming back! :-)
I think its cool that you want to go back to the basics. I find myself feeling like I have to make a great post or take a great POTD, but Im just a simple girl. You do what makes you happy and I will still check in and see all of your wonderful creations. :)
Way to go!! I find it hard to believe or understand how others are able to blog all the time!! I like you just wanted to share the work it did. I find i spend more time checking out other blogs (yours including) vs. puting things in mine. I have now limited my reviewing time to the early a.m. before i leave for work - when i get home it is all about me and my family. Hugs to you my dear!!!
I know exactly what you mean Crystal, I started to get really stessed that I wasn't a great blogger but then thought, this is my life and it is busy so just enjoy doing what you can.
I love visiting to see what you have been up to but understand that you have a busy life too so just enjoy seeing what and when you do post.
Max x
Magoo, I agree. A blog should be fun, not a chore or a job. Post what you want, when you want. We'll be here to see it.
There's an old saying. "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Be happy in all you do.
I smiled at the "keeping up with the Joneses". Sweetie, you ARE the Joneses! Love your creativity and style. hugs to you, eileen
Magoo, big hugs honey! First of all, you need to relax. You work full time and have a family. That in itself is huge. I think we all want to be a super blogger, or super whatever in life. In reality, you have to look at what is really important in your life. Take a breath. You are loving and giving and you need to find the balance in your life. I learned this valuable lesson two years ago when my son was so ill. I live life much differently now and I dont have to be a superstar to anybody else but me. Find your balance and come back refreshed!
I am sorry you are feeling blah, I think it's mostly the weather that is getting people down. I feel the same way right now. I love your blog regardless of wether you are sharing a great project or just telling us about your day. You are very talented but should not feel that you have to post great projects to keep us coming back. You should have fun with your crafting, that is what it is all about. I craft for relaxation and when something is no longer fun or I start to stress about it, I put it away for a while. :)
I truly understand what you're saying, but I do look forward to your projects. You have such a creative mind.
I feel you...this can be very stressful, trying to keep up with "Joneses" along with followers & comments, it's just way too much it takes away your drive & passion to be creative. I thought something was wrong with me because I didn't post everyday, thank you for saying all this, because like you said it is "OK" if I don't and going back to the basics doing what inspires & makes you happy. Thanks for the inspiration to just be "ME" and flow in my own creativity. Looking forward to things you been holding back on, let the creative juices flow.
Wishing you the best,
Miss all your nice designs you use to share. Hope you come back.
Dear Magoo, Thank You for all the time you have put into your blog and sharing all your beautiful ideas. It take a special person who wants to share their gift with others.I've been going thought some personal problems and I come to you blog because it makes me smile.So what ever you decided I just wanted to say THANK YOU,
Crystal, you are beautiful just the way you are. A wonderfully talented lady that we all aspire to.... a wife, mother, sister and daughter is first for you, as it should be and you have always kept it there. You have a career and still find time to share your talent with us! How nice is that for us?
As for your blog, it is BEAUTIFUL as it is. I gave up with keeping up with the Jones' a long time ago too, and how wonderful that day was! It is soooo freeing to do things once again to make yourself feel good, and we your blogging friends expect nothing less than a HAPPY MYAMAGOO! I guess what I am saying is we love you just the way you are.
Dear Magoo, thank you for all the time you have put into this blog. It takes a special person to share their gift with others.I have been going thought some problems of my own so to help lighten my day I come to your blog and It always makes me smile.So what ever you decide I just wanted to say Thank You,
YOU GO GIRL! Not that I don't love all the blogs out there but I just don't know how they all have time to do it! Seriously :)
I have a hrad enough time trying to read the new posts, let alone make something
Magoo, take your time, your true fans are here for the long haul, I don't expect you or any blog I visit to post everyday, people have lives other then blogging, I love your creations, and I am so inspired by your creations, Thanks for the time you do give us, but family is first, I check in as often as I can, and am so pleasantly surprised when I see a new post.
Good for you! It's important to take time and get back to basics. I love your blog and love all that you make. But blogging should be about what makes you happy - so if you don't feel like blogging for a few days - that's okay. Good luck at finding your happy balance.
Good for you!! It's a very brave thing you are doing & will truly benefit you & your family. Good luck & enjoy your time with your family; the years go by too fast. I hope you continue to share some of your crafting to inspire the rest of us.
BTW...Love your new blog look! Flowers & bling, who can go wrong?
Way to go girl!!I applaud you for taking time for yourself and your family!
DITTO! DITTO! I don't think I could add anything else to what has already been said. You rock!
Love the new look!!! Its so fresh!
Here! Here! I totally agree and can relate to this post. I love blogging and creating but I want to do it for the fun of it.
LOVE THE NEW LOOK. You are a very talented Lady.I don't even know how to start a Blog much less design ONE so beautifully. Keep you chin up SPRING IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
GOOD FOR YOU for prioritizing and learning to step back! And I ADORE the new look!
Cricut Kisses and Crafty Wishes!
Oh Magoo, you are such a dear. I am a shy person too and just new to the E and Gypsy. But I have seen how creative you are and what a heart you have for sharing with others. On the board your sweet spirit has won you so many friends like Pam, Sassy Lady and quiet ones like me who don't tell you enough how much we appreciate your lovely work and wonderful, kind spirit. Just keep being you--we like you just the way you are!!
Darling girl! Don't be stressed. Blog is just a blog - what we want to write about -- that's all.
You are so amazing that we will hang on pick any crumbs that you throw at us :).
Your one project is equal to about 100 projects I do. So don't stop.
Magooo!! Not that you need our permission at all lol. You do have our support : ). Do what you choose. I love seeing your work when you have a chance to post it, when you have a chance to make something you want to share.
Do it for fun when you can and when you have time for it! Don't worry (beeeee happy! sorry I couldn't resist, now cue whistling for don't worry song lol).
Magoo...that is the reason why I don't even have a blog. Always remember that your family and you come first! Smile, Breathe, and relax...it's all good. :)
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