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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Drumroll Please...............

Ok, so I had this post set to post at 10am....I'm not sure why blogger didn't post it :(

And the winner of the hard to find and rarely spotted in M's ATG is:

DLESMITH!!!! From the Cricut Circle Message Board :) :)

Congratulations my dear!!! I've sent you a PM through the board requesting your address. Monday is a Holiday for me in Ontario so I will mail your BRAND NEW PINK ATG on Tuesday!!!

Thank you everyone for entering, and it's nice to see some new followers too! :) :)


Friday, July 30, 2010



I knew these things were hard to find but............HOLY COW!!

You guys blew me away with how many entered!!!

Thank you also to those of you have joined my blog!! What a nice surprise - becoming a follower wasn't required to enter :) :) :)

Winner will be announced tomorrow morning at 10:00am EST (yes I like the number 10).


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pink Rubber Boots....

Just a little bit of digital goodness.....I LOVE MUD!!!  and I have a little helper who does too! :}

Monday, July 26, 2010

So I am not the best blogger.....

Life has been busy I haven't been able to craft (or too tired). Since I wasn't making anything I thought that meant that I shouldn't be posting stuff on my blog.....but who said it was just a craft blog??

Silly me....I will be posting much more may not be crafty but at least I will be able to still see some of you every now and then :)

So, with that said please accept my apology by way of Blog Candy! I've also opened up this giveaway to the Cricut Circle messageboard guys and gals as well. They have been so wonderful and oh so enabling! :) :)

Here is the back story behind this giveaway.........

Just thought I'd stop in at Michaels today as I was in town for work.....I had three 40% off coupons burning a hole in my pocket....

And wouldn't you know it??? There it was on the bottom rung....2 count em' 2 pink ATG's.

immediately I thought of all you ladies and gents just pulling your hair out, driving hundreds of miles all over the U.S. and Canada....and here there are 2 sitting...and looking oh so lonely........

So, what did I do? I picked one up, marched over to the cash and used my 40% off coupon on one....

So...... in the true spirit of all you Cricut Circle enablers.....*you all know who you are* those that enabled me to buy the I rock, the pink ATG and the Tonic Guillotine Paper Trimmer.....

I am going to give this lovely pink ATG away on my blog and hopefully one of you lucky enablers will win!!!

I am not requiring you to become a follower of my blog ~ to be perfectly honest I've been so busy that I've become a BAD I'm offering this as an apology to what faithful blog viewers I have left and all of you wonderful enablers :)

Giveaway will close Friday July 30th 10:00pm Eastern Standard Time Zone.

*when you leave a comment, please leave me your MB name that way I can search for you for a mailing addy if you win*

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So I'm down visiting my mom on my vacation (hooray!) and because she lives near so many major cities, I took advantage of all the shopping!

Today we hit up the Michaels in Cambridge and Waterloo - SCORE!!!

I almost NEVER find what I initially go in there for...I usually leave disappointed. BUT NOT TODAY.

Today found me picking up the I ROCK tool - OMG can you say BLING!!!! yes, I'm smiling as I type this - you all know how much I love BLING! (again in bold cause I love bling!).

After that successful purchase, my first M's conquest left me hungry for more.....and I smelled new prey in we went.

It was in Waterloo that I found my BEST PURCHASE EVER!! I was able to nail down and capture the ever elusive PINK ATG GUN!! WOOT WOOT!!! got that last one don't cha know?!! ;) totally worth the drive :) I also had a %50 coupon that was practically jumping out of my purse to be used.

Great hunting er I mean shopping trip today.....I can't wait to get home and make something!!

Wishing you all luck on your next hunting/shopping expedition!! :) :)



Please welcome our newest and cutest member of our family......MAX.

He is 6 months old and should be close to 100 pounds when he is full grown :)

He just got neutered this past Friday...and I didn't grab a photo of him with his cone on....poor guy ~ I will post a video of him eating his chunks of ice when he is himself again.  For now here are a few photos of this sweetheart :)


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hi.....I'm still here

You'd just never know it :)

how does time slip away so quickly??? 

I just wanted to check in....the Digi Class I took was AWESOME!

I just have to put my kit together...then submit if for evaluation....and then there's the TEST.   GULP.

OOOOH!  We also just got a new dog!  He's totally amazing - he is so kind and has a great temperament.

It was really warm and muggy today and our puppy is 6months old.  His molars are coming in poor I took some small round tupperware containers and filled them with water and froze them.

YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM PLAY!!!  His tail was wagging...and he was running all over the house with the ice discs.  I couldn't stop laughing....he chewed them up and truly enjoyed himself.

I'm hoping tomorrow I can get a video of him up playing with his ice.

Thanks for reading my is good...even if it moves at warp speed. :)

oh yeah....our new family member's name is MAX (he was already named when we got him).

How is everyone else doin???