Ever since we have lived in this house I have always wished for a craft room. 5 years later I am finally going to get one!!! YIPEEE!! WOO HOO!!!! HAPPY DANCE!!!!
Each and every time I would like to scrap and make things I have to lug ALL of my scrap stuff into the kitchen where I take over the table. My mess and projects could stay there for days sometimes pushed into a little corner until I had time to finish them. My wonderful hubby finally took pity on me I think and we rearranged rooms in the house so that my little one and I will have a craft room together.
We took a trip to Ikea where I had my heart set on the Expedit with the table that attaches to it. While I was admiring the desk thinking I would sit on one side and my DD would sit on the other.... my DH goes: Why don't you get this table and then you 2 can sit side by side??? I just thought it was the most thoughtful thing he could have said~he knows how special that time is I spend my with DD when we 'craft'. So here is the pic of the table HE picked out and I fell in love with! he has good taste :) Oh, in the picture the bluish areas in the glass table are actually clear, I guess that's just how it photographed.

I can't wait to post pics of the before and afters of 2 rooms that we had to redo so that this could all work :)
Just wanted to share with all of you, especially to those who lug their stuff out like me when they want to scrap. We are dedicated I tell ya!!! Anyone who spends 10 minutes just getting everything out must love it! LOL!!

I am SOOOO EXCITED for you! I know how it feels! I just got my first craft room ever, I always had my mess all over the dining room which unfortunately is open to the kitchen and living room, so yea it wasn't pretty! I had to sacrifice my sons pretty nursery though, that sounds terrible but I have SO MUCH stuff and his crib was already in our room and he's still little so for now he's in there and then will share with his big brother who has the whole gigantic upstairs!!! We would take the upstairs and then it could be a master bedroom and I would have a ton of space for my stuff but we don't want the littles on the main floor by themselves.
Ok sorry, just babbling away! Anywho I know how it is and am super excited for you and cannot wait to see it!! Love the table too! How thoughtful of your hubby!
Every woman needs a room of her own, no matter the size, no matter the reason. We just need it! I'm sooooooo glad for you. You and your dd will have the best time. it's amazing how much you can get done when you can just walk out and close the door and come back to finish later .... without having to move a thing. Enjoy! hugs, eileen
I'm so excited for you!!!!
What a lovely gift from your hubby. Looking forward to the before and after pictures and the crafts to come.
Nice to see you back to the blogging. Missed you.
How exciting. What a great thing for you hubby to do for you. I love it when I can share scrap time with my boys. Probably more than they do. Have fun with your new room and table. I can't wait to see pics
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