But here are a couple pics of what's been happening at my house :)
The purple-y room is the before pic, I had already started taking all the stuff off the walls so it looks really bare. I had all sorts of 3d butterflies on her walls and those flower lights from ikea. This isn't a big room but it's what I have to work with so we had to think outside of the box.

We went with a loft bed~which we ended up having to cut 8" off the bottom. Who knew 8ft ceilings would be to low?? I was asked to paint the room in pink and green and my little helper picked the colours out herself. We also added a mini chandelier to her bedroom as well, this thing is so sparkly it's crazy! Just love IKEA :) You can also see the TON of toys I have to now organize and find homes for here in her room. No point in pretending my house is always organized, let's face it....painting and moving rooms is messy work! I have the bumps, scrapes and bruises to prove it!LOL!!

I totally meant to take pictures of the play room before I started painting but I started last night at 11pm. I was so busy trying to move all the toys into the pink/green room so I could get started and didn't realize until I had the first coat on that I forgot to take pics :( Oh well.

I'm proud to say I put that EXPEDIT together all by myself and got it upright too!! That sucker is REALLY heavy....but doesn't my desk look nice? Definitely room for a little helper :) I will be painting that awful closet door white (will get to that later). I haven't moved my crafting stuff in yet, I still have a lamp, desk chair and expedit drawers to assemble before I bring it all in. Like I said, it's still in progress but I can see the homestretch! I sure could use a nice relaxing bath right now :) :) Calgon take me away LOL!!!!
I think your room is going to look amazing once its totally done. I love the blue color on your walls and with the white shelves it really pops. My room as a teen was pink and green, so let your little one know she did good on picking cool colors.
Awesome! Can't wait to come play in your craft room with you!!?!?!??! lol Really it's great! Good job! Your DD is going to LOVe, Love, Love the loft and her new Pink and Green room! Keep taking photos!
PS Lovin the "Spirit in the Sky"... !
Love the colours that have been picked for both rooms!!! You did a great job!!! You are so lucky to have a craft room. Can't wait to come up and play in your room.
Love, Love, Love the colors! DD picked some awesome colors, pink and green are fabulous together! And her bed...super cool! Your scrap room is coming along beautifully. The color has a bright and cheerful look about it and what a gorgeous table top! Do you have any plans to come to Texas anytime soon? I could use tips and ideas with my room...lol. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see your finished room. ~ Hugs from the South ~ Yvette
OH Magoooo goooo!! Love it! I am so thrilled that you have your own room. love the music tooooo!! Luv ya!!! b
Can't wait to see it with all the stuff on your shelves!
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